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بشار عبده الريمي

مساء الخير

Aisha Kabeer / itz_baby__

Jaxakallahu khairan

I love reading Islamic books and getting to know more about Islam.


Barakal lah...


Mashallah I'm jealous of you guys in a good way..may Allah blees you, grant you success, help you in you work , in deen, duniya and aakhirah... jazakallahu khair.

ahmed ismail mohamed

ماشاء الله الله ينور عليكم ويزيدكم علما

اخيكم من موقع رييل ستورى احيكم على هذا الطرح

معيوف محمد وهاب وشكراً لكم

معالة الاخضرية ولاية البويرة الجزائر

مشاء الله ربي ايبارك

Haja isata kamara

I need help of you to download an app which is play store

I love this Islamic books it really helps thank you and I need your help too

iamsmsaqib S.M.S

All is great with thr grace of ALLAH

I have gone through your website and stuff. But the problem is that your podcast that many people listen to is not in english. I have downloaded the ones in english and have been listening to them morning. On the part of the podcast it is easier to as it keeps on working in the background. If you resolve that then all is great with thr grace of ALLAH(SWT).


Allah razı olsun ebeden daima🌹 Hizmetde daim eylesin.