Libro Del Namaz

Khadar Mohamed Hirmooge


Am Somali

Bamba Abdul-Hamid Umar

Thanks given

Thank you very much for such a wonderful work done, may Allah bless and protect you.

Mouhamed Gueye

L'Islam dans nos cœurs❤️❤️❤️

Dr.Hafiz Faisal Basheer


Great work in this world and akhira. Sadqa jariya for permit in life and after death. al_humraquranteaching_usa

islam_in_our_hearts / لا إله إلا الله

Let’s spread the love of islam.

Asma Habibti / wallahiamasma

I'm using your website. I appreciate what you are doing because in my country there are not many book shops that have Islamic books and if you buy them online they are too expensive. May Allah blessings be upon you❤


La vie après la mort,d'imams ghazali

Salam aleikoum à toute et à tous.Vraiment vous êtes très généreux(es)et que Dieu le tt puissant vs bènisse et vs protège ctr satan,amine

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Allah bless you, Thank you.

imran khan

Very knowledgeable

Thanks for uploading this book.

Amin A digale


I read your books thank.