This work, Belief and Islam, originally was written in Persian under the title I’tiqâd-nâma by Hadrât Mawlânâ Khâlid al-Baghdâdî, a profound ‘âlim of Islam and a specialist in ma’ârif of tasawwuf. Hâji Faydullah Effendi of Kemah, a khalîfa of great walî Mavlânâ Mahmûd Sâhib, the brother of the author, translated the book into Turkish and named it Farâid-ul-fawâid which was printed in Istanbul in 1312 A.H.[1894]. Our bookstore had it translated again from the Persian original into Turkish and, some explanations and three chapters, published it with the title Imân ve Islâm in 1966. German, French and Arabic versions are also published by our bookstore. This book, explains five fundamentals of Islam, six fundamentals of îmân and the contemporary information about the matter and refutes those who are against Islam and those who are lâ-madbhabî.
The great walî, the treasure of Allâhu ta’lâlâ’s blessings, superior man in every respect, the master of unattainable knowledge, the light of right, truth and religion
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La vie après la mort,d'imams ghazali
Salam aleikoum à toute et à tous.Vraiment vous êtes très généreux(es)et que Dieu le tt puissant vs bènisse et vs protège ctr satan,amine
Bichara Hissein
Asiya Anggi / asiyauanggi_
Maas Allah thank you so much,, I do not know how to extend my gratitude..
Mohamed Ahmed
Sudan .Khartoum
It is great job Alla Bless you all. Keep on doing same
كتاب الفقه
الحمدلله على هذا النعمه
ISSAM ghadie
May Allah bless you
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Je peux donner aucun commentaire pour le moment car, les documents sont édités dans les langues que je ne maîtrise pas. Je souhaite les avoir en français. Merci.
islam_in_our_hearts / لا إله إلا الله
Let’s spread the love of islam.
Aisha Kabeer / itz_baby__
Jaxakallahu khairan
I love reading Islamic books and getting to know more about Islam.