Dit boek, dat bestaat uit drie delen, bevat de memoires van de Britse spion Hempher die rond 1700 naar Istanbul kwam en daar verschillende islamitische wetenschappen en talen leerde. Daarin beschrijft hij zijn spionageactiviteiten die tot doel hadden de islamitische wereld en de moslims te verdelen, en hoe hij het wahhabisme heeft gesticht.
الله يجازيكم عن الاسلام و المسلمين كل خير بجاه انوار المصطفى صلى الله عليه و ءاله و صحبه و سلم
Joseph ramazani
Homme spirituel
J’aime les livres de prière chanceuse
Sally Sillah
Asma Habibti / wallahiamasma
I'm using your website. I appreciate what you are doing because in my country there are not many book shops that have Islamic books and if you buy them online they are too expensive.
May Allah blessings be upon you❤
Özgül🇹🇷🇯🇴🇹🇷 / 026ul
Hello there,
I am a single mom “gurbetçi” Toronto, Ontario ..
You won’t believe this but when I discovered your page, I cried, I was very upset and sad .. Why it took so long to find such a beautiful page in English .
Je veux me convertir en Islam
J'aime l'islam
All praiseis due to Allah
Assalam Alykum Ramazan Kareem Mubarak,
May Allah Subhan Wataallah reward you.
Once again Thank you.
May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdos Ameen.❤
Masyitah / msyiith._
Thank you so much So sweet of you ❤️ Thanks for offering me this really benaficious knowledge in a form of ebook 🥰 May Allah reward you, your family and your friend with heaven insyaaAllah